Archive for reality


Posted in Quotes with tags , , on August 2, 2011 by Ande

You might have seen 2-3 posting in this category so far, but I just wanted to let you know what to expect here. If you have read my Les Miserables page you will know that I have a approach which you come across rarely, because I consider human being as another specie of animal and nothing more. Now you can be in this state with or without realization, so here is the stack I like to show:

Reality – realized



Reality – unrealized

I feel 99% people are stuck in the middle two, 0.9% in the lower reality and 0.1% in higher reality. So most of the quotes you will see will be from the guys I feel were in that 0.1%. I will start off with one of the classic ones:

“Not a single one of the cells that compose you knows who you are, or cares.” — Daniel C. Dennett